Specialist engineering services were required to support CH-47D operations with the new Canberra Class platform for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). This included conducting and coordinating First of Class Flight Trials (FOCFT) related activity, establishment of a Ship Helicopter Operating Limit (SHOL), deck handling and tie-down procedures and EMI/EMC testing.
Nova Systems has a large team of engineering and flight test personnel with considerable experience in aerospace design, instrumentation, flight test and ship helicopter interface testing. Many have previous experience in all aspects of embarked naval operations and have undertaken SHOL development for both the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and numerous overseas nations. We have also been directly involved in supporting multiple FOCFT for ADF aircraft and ship classes.
We understand the complexity associated with supporting ship helicopter interface flight test and operating limit development, which involves evaluation of aircraft performance and handling characteristics, environmental conditions, operating procedures, and ship's aviation facilities.